Topics of interest from BCMC member Paul Kubik about Conservation and BC Parks.

After discussion with a senior person involved in the matter of the closure of the Backcountry Access Corridor (BAC) through the Cypress Mountain controlled recreation area (CRA) I am able to suggest an interim access alternative. For further information on the closure see
Road clearing crews operate between 7 AM and 9 AM. Parking lot clearing takes place between midnight and 8 AM. Cypress Mountain Resort staff operate a kiosk at the bottom of Cypress Bowl Road to prevent the public from driving up the park road prior to 7 AM.
Chippendale Road intersects Cypress Bowl Road above the kiosk. See Google Maps for more information. There is no gate on the road. Reflect on why this tidbit might be germane.
Proceed only with snow tires in good condition. You may be charged by police otherwise.
If you arrive at Cypress Mountain prior to organized parking by attendants, say 8 AM, park at the designated and signposted "overnight" parking area at the north end of parking lot #3B. See accompanying map. It is important that you do not park on the roadway. Park off the roadway and shoulder. Park parallel to the centre line of the road. Do not park nose-in. The reason is simple, more parked vehicles can be accommodated. Be a good citizen. It costs nothing.
Until 9 AM, you will not be permitted to cross the Backcountry Access Corridor. An alternative until then is to ski through the woods between Collins Run and Hollyburn Mountain. Skirt the run and then climb steeply up the east side of the south subpeak of Mount Strachan. That's the peak with upper chairlift station. Proceed northerly, remove skins and ski Christmas Gully below the main summit of Strachan. Obviously, this is an avalanche slope and requires normal awareness and mitigation of risk. If conditions are not safe, return the way you came and wait for the Backcountry Access Corridor to open. If you know the mountain it may also be possible to descend west of Tog Gun run to reach the HCT beyond the BAC. Note that prior to 7 AM, every indication is that the BAC is not staffed. What you do with that information is up to you. Supposing you arrived at 6:30...
It is an offense to ski in the CRA without a valid ticket. Please, don't aggravate the ski hill unnecessarily. Keep a low profile, don't draw attention, don't talk about it.