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BCMC Courses

The BCMC offers courses and instructional programs through two main channels:

#1) In-house BCMC courses and trips – led by VOLUNTEER MEMBERS

  • Less formal instructional trips organized by volunteer trip organizers – usually at a minimal charge.

  • Here is a link to a list with In-house courses, ordered by date with the one furthest in the future at the top.

These trips are generally labelled as having an instructional component somewhere in the description. Look for keywords like “beginner friendly” or “mentorship”.

In addition, on many trips there will be a variety of skill levels among participants. More experienced members are often willing to share their knowledge and informally mentor less experienced members during these trips. Don’t expect this to be the case on every trip, and you’re encouraged to ask beforehand if this is the case.

Questions about these instructional trips can be directed to the trip organizers.

  • Less formal skills practice trips organized by volunteer trip organizers – sometimes a modest course fee.

These trips are generally labelled as “Practice” or “Training”. These types of trips are generally for members who want to practice together, refresh some rusty skills, and share knowledge. Unless otherwise specified, all participants are expected to have some acquired skills beforehand to share.

Questions about these skills practice trips can be directed to the trip organizers.

  • More formal instructional programs taught by volunteer instructors – usually a modest course fee.

These trips are generally labelled as “Instructional Programs”. The BCMC has many members with extensive experience and/or professional training who are willing to share their skills with other members. These members are not paid, and the course fees go to the club to fund other projects and services to members.

The topics of these instructional programs vary from year-to-year depending on volunteers. In recent years, the following types courses have been offered:

  • Intro to Mountaineering

  • Intro to Outdoor Rock Climbing

  • Intro to Trad Climbing

  • Intro to Sport Climbing

  • Intro to Ice Climbing

  • Leading on Ice

  • Anchoring

  • Avalanche (various topics including terrain evaluation, transceiver and rescue etc.)

  • Snow Shelters

  • Intro to Backcountry Skiing

  • Haul Systems

  • GPS Devices

  • How to Organize Trips

Questions about instructional programs can be directed to the BCMC Courses & Camps Chair at courses@bcmc.ca

#2) Professionally taught courses and guided trips – led by PROFESSIONALS

The BCMC offers professionally taught courses and guided trips through a variety of partners. These partners offer discounted prices and custom course curricula for our members.

The BCMC Strongly Recommends that all Guided Course Participants verify the certifications of their Guided Instructors using the following link:  https://www.acmg.ca/03public/members/memb_search.asp
Additionally, click here for an overview on ACMG Mountain Guides

Professionally taught courses are generally labelled as ”Instructional Programs” and almost always have a course fee. The topics of these instructional programs vary from year to year depending on the interest of members. In recent years, the following types of courses have been offered:

  • Avalanche Skills Training (AST) 1 and 2

  • Wilderness First Aid (2-day, 4-day)

  • Glacier Travel & Crevasse Rescue (summer and winter)

  • Ski Mountaineering

  • Intermediate Mountaineering (various topics)

  • Rock Rescue

  • Mountain Weather and Navigation

If you’re interested in a professionally taught course or guided trip but don’t see it on the BCMC trip schedule, contact the BCMC Courses & Camps Chair at courses@bcmc.ca. Discounts are available for members on many courses and trips, even if they aren’t posted on the schedule. General questions or suggestions for improvement can be directed here as well.

BCMC Course Refund Policy

The following policy applies to in-house BCMC courses and trips. The refund policy for professionally taught courses and guided trips varies from partner to partner.

  1. The BCMC reserves the right to cancel courses at any point and refund any fees collected. All other expenses incurred as a result of BCMC cancelling a course are the responsibility of the registered participant.  

  2. Upon registering for a BCMC course the participant automatically agrees to the course cancellation fees as follows:

    1. for cancellations made 30 days or more before the first day of the course, refunds will be given for the amount paid.

    2. for cancellations made between 30 days and 15 days before the first day of the course, 50% of the course fee will be refunded.

    3. cancellations made 14 days or less before the first day of the course will not be eligible for refunds. 

  3. The BCMC, at the discretion of the Executive committee, reserves the right to waive all or part of course cancellation fees.

  4. Before a course begins, a participant may submit a request to the BCMC Programs Chairperson to transfer their Confirmed place to a "replacement", with the following conditions: 

    1. the "replacement" must be a BCMC member with a current BCMC membership for the duration of the course.

    2. the "replacement" must have the required knowledge and equipment to participant in the course.

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