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23.04.2013 (4202 Days Ago)

Topics of interest from BCMC member Brittany Zenger about Conservation and BC Parks.

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Management of Off Road Vehicles continues to get nowhere due to inaction by the BC government
Management of Off Road Vehicles continues to get nowhere due to inaction by the BC government
4202 days ago 0 comments Category: Park Huts
Comment by Michael Feller

The Outdoor Recreation Council of BC (ORC), supported by the FMCBC, has devoted considerable time to trying to get the BC government to implement responsible management of snowmobiles and ATVs and other off road vehicles on crown land in the province. In keeping with the government’s lack of interest in outdoor recreation management in general, ORC’s attempts to get proper ORV management continue to go nowhere in a hurry. A news update on this issue by ORC on April 9, 2013, stated the following:

“The Off Road Vehicle (ORV) Management Framework has been promised by the BC Government since 2010. That promise follows years of research and advocacy by the ORV Coalition which began its work in 2002 and delivered its 47 recommendations to the BC Government in December 2005.

In spite of the incredible efforts of the ORV Coalition, in which ORC was one of many NGOs to play a part, the promised Management Framework will deal with the following:

*Registration of ORVs at the time of sale or resale (but not annual licensing)

*Visible decals or registration plates on ORVs

*Require the wearing of safety equipment, primarily helmets

*Improved ability of ORVs to cross roads

*Education and improved measures for compliance and enforcement


Nevertheless these are important first steps and to the best of our knowledge they are supported by all NGOs having an interest in the Framework.

We have been advised that introduction of these measures will require the following:

1.    Introduction of a new ORV Act in the BC Legislature followed by proclamation of the Act. This Act is essentially ready to go.

2.    A system upgrade at ICBC, believed to be scheduled for 2014. There would be no point in introducing ORV registration with the present manual system as is now the case for snowmobiles.

3.    Development of Regulations for the ORV Act.


Reasons for ORC’s concern

ORC is extremely concerned that no definitive timetable has yet been established by the BC Government for the introduction of the legislation and the accompanying measures described above. ORC is also concerned that, even if such a timetable were to be announced, introduction of the legislation could be as implementation issues. These could be issues related to registration procedures, such as the payment of sales tax, or the affixing of plates or decals.


ORC’s approach to the May election – your action is requested

We believe that the Framework is an initiative which can readily be supported by all parties in the legislature. We know it enjoys broadly based support in the NGO community. So ORC proposes to write to the leaders of all parties to urge them to commit to a timetable for the introduction of legislation for the ORV Management Framework.”

ORC also asks its members (each BCMC member is a member of ORC as we are members of the FMCBC, which is a member of ORC) to seek such a commitment from their MLA candidates during the campaign.

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