Sunday, October 6, 2013
Participants: Alexis Guigue, Paul Kubik and dog Linus, Doug Lonsbrough, Andrew Wong (photographer)
Map of area:
The plan was to do some trail work up the Rose Trail in the Ashlu valley on the side of Sigurd Peak but the midweek weather forecast was not good. I moved the trip to a local Vancouver trail but in the end the forecast changed again and the weather improved. We had a great day out on the Baden Powell trail between Skyline and Blue Gentian trails above the British Properties in West Vancouver.
This is a section of trail I've been maintaining since the early 1990s. It sees a lot of use now from trail runners and there is a noticeable degradation of the trail from that type of use. So, it is difficult to keep ahead of the demands of the required maintenance. It was great to have the help of Doug, Alexis and Andrew.
We did not cut down any trees. There was a lot of deadfall and shattered trees from last December's heavy snows. We only used dead timber for the work.
Alexis digging out the ditch
A ditched and raked section of trail
Alexis looking back and Doug digging out to lay a new sleeper into the trail
Paul and Alexis looking on while Doug digs. Linus is sniffing out a lunch.
Paul cutting a new sleeper
Alexis works on section of trail corduroy

FrancisStPierre wrote 4163 Days Ago (positive) 1That's great work, guys! We need more workers like Linus!!! :D0 points