This summer I discovered another beautiful part of BC- its canyons! After doing some guided and unguided canyoneering in Utah and Martinique earlier this year, I took my brother (12 years old) with me to explore some local canyons. After descending picturesque Cypress Creek a couple times, we headed to Goldie Creek and Mosquito Creek, all three of which basically lie within Translink connection from my house! Then, on a rainy, nasty day on which my friend and I had actually planned on getting on some Squamish rock, we headed off instead across the Squamish River. Stepping out of our inflatable toy boat, we disappeared into dense forest beside Monmouth Creek and entered a knew world of raging streams, carved granite and huge basalt cliffs, hung with a curtain ferns. We descended Box Creek, which was simply spectacular. The next week I took my dad and brother up to do it again, this time with a camera on a sunny day. From the footage I edited together a little video.
And hopefully we can have some BCMC canyoneering trips in the future!

Trip Report Title | Box Creek Canyoneering |
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