This was a joint trip with participants from the BCMC, North Shore Hikers and the Vancouver Hikers and Trail Runners. The old logging road leading up to Mt. Sampson is now severely overgrown with alder, resulting in hours of unpleasant bushwhacking. (Matt Gunn says to take a mountain bike!!). We set up camp in a high basin with running water, at the foot of the pocket glacier, after 7-1/2 hours of of hiking (14.1 km and 974 m. elevation gain). Next day we contoured around, more or less following Gunn's route, but some of us went up the mountain too soon and a couple were uncomfortable with climbing steep snow/rock so we dropped back down and found the gulley Matt talks about. It is a fairly straight forward scree scramble. We spent a lot of time at the summit - weather was perfect - and made a decision not to do Delilah, as it would have got us back to camp too late. So we headed back and enjoyed an early dinner and libations. (11.2 km and 1079 m. vertical, 9-1/2 hours). Next moring we had a late start (waited for the sun to rise over Face mountain) then saddled up and headed back down. We made the mistake of waiting too late to climb up onto the lateral morraine that avoinds the forest below, so we had some horrible bush-thrashing and some tempers were frayed. But it all turned out good as we had a cooler of cold ones waiting back at the train head!! (14.4 km, 7 hours).
Participants: Gordon Esplin (organizer), David Robertson, MIchelle Hyun, Clayton Dunham, Sylvia Berryman & Brian MUske.
Trip Report Title | Mt. Sampson |
AlenaD wrote 3826 Days Ago (neutral) 0Gordon, I always enjoy your trip reports. Great writing.0 points