We drove as high as we could in Michelle's jeep, put chains on the front at 1050 m and parked in a wide spot along the road at 1130 m. From there we skinned all the way up starting at 9 am. During our one hour skin to the trailhead (1317 m) we saw this abandoned pickup truck from Colorado (1256 m) that had come off the road and got stuck on the sidehill.
There was a 4" rain crust which thinned to 1" by 1700 m. Yoyo-ing on variable snow a couple times, our high point was 1845 m. The crust thickness varied but was generally strong enough to support our weight without breaking through. Ski crampons helped skinning back up east of the Little Bump where it was a bit steeper. We tried to avoid some avi debris from activity there a few(?) days ago. Snow stability seemed really good.
It was a good day with clear sky, views of Shuksan and Baker and temps down to -8 C. We started back around 3 pm. Roger skied all the way back down, while Michelle and I elected to hike the last bit of the trail down to the road where the snow was thin. The only bit of thin snow on the whole trip was the bottom portion of the trail. We were back at the jeep by 4 pm before dark.

Trip Report Title | Skyline Divide (Nov 19) |
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