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You can become a member online by clicking on the "join" link on the top right of any page. Follow the instructions and pay via Paypal and bingo you are instantly a member of the BCMC!
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This site was created primarily for the use by BCMC paying members, but you can try it out for 30 days by creating a Guest Member account and access many of the site features absolutely free of charge ! This free service cannot be extended or repeated.
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You can purchase a 1, 2, or 3-year membership that is valid from the day you join until the full period has expired.
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Go to the person's page that you want to block and look on the left hand navigation links for BLOCK.
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You can consult past issues of the Newsletter. Another source of information is to look at past meeting minutes of Executive Meetings in the "Resources > Documents" section.
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Newsletters are kept in the "News Media > Newsletters" section. Old Mountaineer journals are found in the "Resources > Publications" section.
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Again, you must be logged-in as a Member or Guest and go to the detailed page for that trip. Click on the "Remove from List" button.
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All activities promoted through the BCMC Website have inherent risks. The BCMC Waiver is the main tool for the club and its members to protect themselves from liability arising from such risky activities. We regret but it isn't possible to join the club without agreeing to the BCMC Waiver.
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Please Contact one of our Membership Committee volunteers at memberships@bcmc.ca
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Send your list to the Webmaster at bcmc.webmaster@gmail.com