Give your stale bagels a second lot on life! Bagel chips taste great with hummus or pizza sauce… or just by themselves. You can also use this basic recipe to make croutons out of stale bread.
3-4 bagels
1/3 cup olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Slice bagels into small coin shapes ¼” thick, cutting from the hole in the bagel to the outside edge. Alternatively, you can cut the bagel into large round circles, but be very careful not to cut yourself. Countless bagel-related injuries occur every year; don’t become a statistic!
Mix the oil and other seasonings of choice in a bowl, then lightly spread the mixture on each slice with a spoon or pastry brush.
Bake for 15-20 minutes, depending how crispy you want them. Yum!
Optional Seasonings
· Butter
· Chili powder
· Chives, minced
· Cinnamon and sugar
· Coconut oil
· Curry powder
· Dried oregano, thyme, basil, parsley, rosemary, or other herbs
· Furikake (seaweed sprinkles)
· Lemon seasoning
· Onion powder
· Orange extract
· Parmesan cheese
· Smoked paprika
· Toasted sesame seeds
Check out my e-book Easy Hiking Recipes: Simple Meal Ideas for Day Hikes and Other Outdoor Adventures here!
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AlenaD wrote 4146 Days Ago (positive) 1Hi Tiffany, just wanted to thank you for your outdoor recipes. They all sound great. The outdoorsy food lovers like myself and i'm sure other BCMC-ers are always on a lookout for good backcountry snack/meal ideas.0 points