BC government finally attempts to do something about snowmobilers ignoring snowmobiling ban in the 21 Mile Creek watershed (Rainbow Mtn.) area
Article By Michael Feller
After years of agitating by the FMCBC Recreation and Conservation Committee and bringing to the government’s attention of the massive ignoring of the rules by snowmobilers through the documentat...
Comment by Michael Feller
BC Parks began developing a revised master plan for the Spearhead Range some time ago, and solicited public input last year. However, release of the proposed plan has been held up for almost 6 months even though it was apparently written in March of this year. No reason has been given for the delay, but it is rumoured that the new plan ...
Comment by Michael Feller
The Outdoor Recreation Council of BC (ORC), supported by the FMCBC, has devoted considerable time to trying to get the BC government to implement responsible management of snowmobiles and ATVs and other off road vehicles on crown land in the province. In keeping with the government’s lack of interest in outdoor recreation management in ...