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News Title | Stand Up for Parks Photo Contest |
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Past President Bren Moss has died.
The BCMC Newsletter is back
Posted by chrisl
Posted 28.04.2018 14:20
Category: eNews
Tags: trail building watersprite noise making
The 2018 summer Trail building Season has arrived at last. Let the alder wars and noise begin again!
Summer Construction Is Wrapped. Construction Phase 1 of the Kees and Claire Hut was a great success this year.
The University of Alberta is now offering a FREE 12 session open online course titled "Mountains 101"
Stand Up for Parks Photo Contest

BC's parks are suffering from over a decade of chronic underfunding. We have the biggest provincial parks system in the country, but among the worst funded. Join in the fight for our parks!
BCMC has partnered with the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - BC Chapter (CPAWS-BC) to protect our shared values of strong and healthy provincial parks, and manage to preserve both ecological and recreation values.
Let's stand up for our parks and help bring attention to the campaign to improve our provincial parks by posting amazing photos from our favorite areas in BC parks!
Contest Rules:
1. Follow @cpawsbc and @bcmountaineeringclub
2. Sign the petition at standupforparks.ca
3. Share a photo telling us why YOU #StandUpForParks
The fine print: Contest takes place January 12 - February 12. Prizes with be rewarded to both best photo & random draw. 1 entry/day on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter. You must use #StandUpForParks, follow both accounts and have your profile public to be entered.
Good Luck!
Take part in the Day of Action to Stand Up for Parks!
WHEN: February 3rd
WHY: The BC budget is coming out soon, making this a critical time to reach the politicians. They need to hear that people care about our parks!
WHAT: Across the province, groups are heading out into parks to show our politicians that we want them to get the resources they desperately need.
HOW: Head out into your local park on Feb. 3. Bring the petition, send tweets to politicians, take photos and post them on your favorite social media site. We'll be building up momentum over the next few weeks, check out the action toolkit for information on writing to your local paper,
calling your MLA, or sending messages through social media to #StandUpForParks!
More info: StandUpForParks.ca
CPAWS has been working to protect our public lands for over 50 years and has helped protect over 400,000 square kilometres of threatened areas across Canada. CPAWS is a non-profit, grassroots-based conservation organization. They remain the only national non-profit organization devoted exclusively to protecting Canada's wilderness.
CPAWS Instagram Photo Contest!

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