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News Title | Spearhead Huts Summer Construction Update |
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Past President Bren Moss has died.
The BCMC Newsletter is back
Posted by chrisl
Posted 28.04.2018 14:20
Category: eNews
Tags: trail building watersprite noise making
The 2018 summer Trail building Season has arrived at last. Let the alder wars and noise begin again!
BC Parks are in trouble! Participate in the photo contest and join the movement to protect our most treasured places!
The University of Alberta is now offering a FREE 12 session open online course titled "Mountains 101"
Summer Construction Is Wrapped
Construction Phase 1 of the Kees and Claire Hut was a great success this year. We recently took advantage of the dry fall days to complete the foundation work and wrap up the site for winter.
Construction Update >>
Donations Still Needed
We are still actively fundraising to ensure we can include all the optimal systems and features in the Kees and Claire Hut. Please consider donating or spreading the good word for us. Thanks.
We greatly appreciate all the hard working volunteers and construction professionals who contributed to such a successful first summer of construction. We look forward to seeing all of you again next summer.
Spearhead Huts Construction

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