Other Events by AlastairFerries
Steep hike with some scrambling
12hr snowshoe at moderate fast pace wherever there is sunshine
Snowshoe attempt of three peaks above Marriot Basin, off the Duffey Lake road.
An insignificant peak sw of Hope
an attempt of the s ridge (scramble route)
Wishbone/Oblate Pks (on the ridge between Mt Marriot and Mt Rohr; or Spider Pk, off the Coquihalla
off the Duffey Lake road
off the Coquihalla Highway
peak immediately nw of D'arcy (Anderson Lake)
snowshoe trip off the Hope Princeton highway
hike in the Duffey Lake area
Chehalis area; 1300m gain, bushwacking
Coquihalla; 2,000m gain, bushwacking
Anderson Lake area; 2,000m gain, bushwacking
steep bushwack near Jones Lake
Pemberton area; 2000m gain, bushwacking
near Hope, 1500m gain
Moderate snowshoe off the Coquihalla
Tough snowshoe in the Silver Skagit area
Tough snowshoe 20k nw of Pemberton
Destination will depend on where the best weather forecast is
Washington, United States
Squamish area starting the hike at 8:30pm Friday night
two class 2/3 scrambles in Washington
South east ridge scramble; Washington
Bendor Range east of Gold Bridge
West of the Elaho River
2004m ; in the Bastion Range se of Pemberton
2,359m ; west side of the Duffey Lake Road
2007m, east of Chilliwack Lake
Chilliwack River area
short steep snowshoe ne of Mt. Baker
north of Mt. Baker, Washington
If good weather will do something more challenging.
minor peaks on the east side of Harrison Lake
two day hike near the headwaters of the Elaho River
minor peaks east of Harrison Lake
east of Hope, class 4 scramble
Charlie Charlie
(Mountaineering ) Private
bike and hike - a long day trip
a big exploratory day trip west of Elaho River
east of Lillooet Lake, the west peak is a short scramble
bike & hike in south Chehalis area
canoe and hike, possibly car camping before or after the trip
long bushwack up the south ridge
some peaks near the Hemlock Valley Ski Resort
Mt. Jasper
(Hiking )
bike and hike in southern Chehalis area
rarely climbed alpine peak
just north of Snass Mtn
East of Harrison Lake, with an optional short hike up Lookout Pk on Sunday
Two day hikes near Gold Bridge
a bump on the Ashlu/Elaho divide
East of Lillooet Lake - plan is to climb both peaks
3 1/2 day trip in the Whistler area
Peaks immediately south of Wilson Lk in the Chehalis area
2.5k east of Mt.Barr
Low level peaks in the Chehalis area that I hope to access via Wilson Lk
A long snowshoe in Manning Park
A low peak in the Chehalis area
a low peak in the Chehalis area
nw of Pemberton, off the Van Horlick Road
A long day hike with some glacier travel.
Fairly long day hike north of Birkenhead Lake
East of Lillooet Lake, severe bushwacking
West of Chehalis Lake - moderate pace
Exploring the ridge system east of Mt. Barr (sw of Hope)
Northwest of Alouette Lake
snowshoe near Manning Park
hike/snowshoe east of Hope
moderate hike at a fast pace in the Phelix Creek area
Scramble up a peak northwest of Pemberton
Two day trips in the Gold Bridge area
three day backpacking circuit northwest of Pemberton
Place Glacier area north of Pemberton
North of Alouette Lk.
Between the Fraser and Coquihalla Rivers
north of Melvin Ck, off the Duffey Lk road
North of Lillooet Lake. The goal will be to climb the south (more technical) pk.
Northwest of Pemberton
Dewdney or Ford or Porcupine or Silver or Gatey or etc.
destination might change depending on avalanche conditions
West Manning Park area
East side via Twin One Creek
scrambling, and bushwacking to a prominent peak 2k nw of Squeah Mtn.
scramble route up Stonerabbit plus adjacent peaks
climbing peaks in the Overseer Mtn. area
Either day trip up Cirque or two day trip up Cirque, Olds and Oleg
East of Lillooet Lake
northwest of Pemberton
east of Lillooet Lake
north or east of Hope
east side of Lillooet Lake
destination will depend on road conditions, maybe some glacier travel
ascend Barbour, fish Cerulean Lk.
lots of glacier travel
mountaineering, possibly scrambling
car camping Friday night; on Saturday setting up a base camp at the end of Phacelia Ck road for day trips to the peaks
Route depends on access conditions, might attempt to go via Squeah ne couloir
North of Pemberton, car camping Friday night
If avalanche conditions are considerable the destination will be changed
Snowshoeing north of Pemberton
Snowshoeing Hope Mountain