Browse Events By Category: Mountaineering
Glacier Peak
(Mountaineering ) Private
4 day expedition to summit the most remote volcano in Washington
Mt Shuksan
(Mountaineering ) Private
3 day trip to summit the mountain
Mount Overseer standard approach and/or Pika Peak/Spidery approach
Mount Pitt climbing trip
Ski ascent of Nchkay with 1 night on Brohma Ridge
Beginner mountaineering objective in the Joffre Group
Ski tour / bootpack up to Frosty Mtn in Manning Park
Mt. Kilimanjaro climb via classical Machame route followed by safari.
Trip from Elfin Lakes to the summit and back via Brohm ridge
Expedition of about 36 days in Nepal starting on October 8th 2024, most likely until November 15th
4 day-er to the Griswolds Pass Area
Petlushkwohap Mountain into the wild
Drive into the Furry creek drainage, hike to the BCMC Mt lake hut and on to Ledge peak, next day climb Mt Sheer.
It's a classic! - friendly to the Slow and Steady
Pemby Icecap area, steep hike in
6-7 day backpacking and peak bagging high alpine circuit in Wyoming's Wind River area
Overnight mountaineering trip to Eldorado Peak
Easy alpine rock objective, open to the Slow and Steady.
Climbing Mt. Rexford and Nesakwatch Spires
A classic route up an iconic mountain
It's called Ledge for a reason. Not Crack, Slab or Chimney. Ledge. That's it.
Tricouni North ridge
(Mountaineering ) Private
Mentee alpine trip Tricouni North Ridge
Celebrate Canada Day by invading our neighbours
Looking for a partner to go find some dry rock with!
Ascend via south spur (RESCHEDULED)
It's a classic! - Yet another Slow and Steady trip offering
a long day of 4th and low 5th climbing
Attempt Baker via Coleman-Deming
Glacier Travel & Crevasse Rescue Practice on Mount Seymour
2 or 3 day ski ascent
(trip is now FULL). Pemberton valley fun
A long slog with a classic alpine finish - A Slow and Steady Trip Offering
Robertson Peak spring ascent
Ski, climb, and summit to Mount Price (overnight)
Mount Harvey
(Mountaineering ) Private
Standard route, expect short but exposed steep snow section near the top
Brunswick Mountain
(Mountaineering ) Private
Standard route, expect short but exposed steep snow section near the top
Snowshoe and climb couloir (changed due to poor ski conditions)
Open to all! Standard route, or maybe the Hindleg if I can garner interest in more experience climbers
camping, climbing, and scrambling in the Chehalis area
Steep snow + YDS class 4
Alpine Select Route #64 (PD+ ice, low YDS 4)
a long day of 4th and low 5th climbing
Scramble/Climb to Skihist Mountain
Moderate mountaineering objective
Ski tour to Paul Ridge Bunny Hill Bluffs to practice ski mountaineering skills.
3-day Trip to climb routes on Swakwatch Peak (Mount Rexford) and Nesakwatch Spires
Practice your Glacier Travel and Crevasse Rescue Skills Above the Seymour Ski Area
One day Ascent of Slalok, Alpine Select route 66
Climb Southwest Rib, 7-9 pitches
Two days alpine rock climbing at Vesper peak
Day trip up to visit Stadium Glacier, possibly Sky Pilot
Snowshoe and overnight at K&C Hut, Options for following day depending on conditions
Alpine climbing basic skills review part 1--Climbing steep snow and Glacier travel
3-day Trip to climb routes on Swakwatch Peak (Mount Rexford) and Nesakwatch Spires
Spectacular hiking and scrambling camp in the South Chilcootens
A 5 day traverse from North Creek climbing Mt Samson and exiting by Delilah Creek roads
Reviewing glacier walk and crevasse rescue techniques
A fly in summer camp in the Pebble Creek and North Creek area
A mix of easy mountaineering and hiking and some trail work in exchange for a free flight into the North Creek Cabin
Mid week day trip to sky pilot via Shannon creek fsr
Climbing Mount Garibaldi through NE face
Saturday ascent of a classic route
Scrambling up standard route of Needle Peak
40-50 degree snow/ice with 3 pitches of WI2-3 direct finish to the summit
A modest outing on Mount Seymour, to examine how Pump Peak was used for rock climbing and rescue practice.
3-day off-trail trip with Class 3 scrambling
Hiking, Climbing, Research
Mt Garibaldi Via Brohm Ridge
A new moderate alpine route up to 16 pitches 5.8 to Crossover Pass and Slesse
Weekend of peak-bagging in the Downton Creek area
Hiking and mountain climbing
Overnight trip at Sigurd Peak!
Climbing Tricouni via its north ridge
Good introduction to mountaineering trip.
A week long hiking and mountaineering trip staged out of the Pebble and North Creek Huts
Climb up North ridge of Tantalus to Dione and up Serratus via North Face
Exposed Scramble up Welch Peak in the Chilliwack River Valley
A local classic with moderate climb/scramble routes - good option for this weekend's bad weather
A local classic with moderate climb/scramble routes - good option for this weekend's bad weather
Introductory meeting to the Mt Baker team May 28-30 - via Zoom
Mount Harvey - North Ramp - Team 2
(Mountaineering ) Private
40-50 degree snow/ice with some steeper sections
50 degree snow with some steeper sections and a short mixed chimney
50 degree snow with some steeper sections and a short mixed chimney
Let's attempt to climb a classic line right in our backyard
40-50 degree snow/ice with 3 pitches of WI2-3 direct finish to the summit
A classic alpine climb in Tantalus range - AD, 5.8 mixed climbing up East ridge
Climb the highest peak on the north shore
Trail access and hiking to a 2000 meter summit south of Pinecone Lake
Bendor Range east of Gold Bridge
Picos de Europa Climbing traverse
Climbing North ridge of Tricouni
Mt Rexford and Nesakwatch Spire Mission
Shuksan via Fisher chimneys
A last minute 11-13 days traverse in Ashlu area with the option of Flying in and Flying out
via Fisher Chimneys route in 2 days
Trad, Alpine, 900 ft, 7 pitches, III 5.8 - possibly the best 5.8 rock route in the state
One of Washington's iconic isolated volcanoes
Attempt Rainier while the good weather is forecast to last
Weekend Trip up Wedge Mountain
Called the Southeast Corner in Fred Beckey's guidebook, gains 600' vertical feet from the starting notch to the summit.
Mt Sampson (2811 m)
(Mountaineering ) Private
Overnight scramble through rugged terrain to one of the higher peaks in the region
Glacier Peak long weekend trip
Scramble up to Sky Pilot
Graduation trip for the Intro to Mountaineering Course 2019
Alpine Climb East Ridge of Alpha - 5.8
Attempt Baker via Coleman-Deming
A pleasant, rocky summit straddling the Squamish-Cheakamus Divide between Roe Creek and Seagram Lake.
Ascent of Mt Hood via Hogsback, if we can get permits - Mt St Helens first
AI2-3 Steep Ice & Snow - One of the 50 Classic Climbs in North America
AI 2+. Among the most aesthetic alpine ice routes in the North Cascades and one of "The AAI Fifty"
Overnight trip attempting Cayoosh mountain and Cirque peak
A 3 days climb via the Muir corridor/Ingraham direct
Planning to ascent Mt Rainier in 2 days
West of the Elaho River
Mt Garibaldi spring ascent
A beautiful roped climbing in technical terrain on steep slopes of snow and ice
A classic Mountaineering route in British Columbia
Summiting via Joffre Matier col-southwest face-Aussie couloir ~ 500 meters 45 degrees
Attempt Slalok via Stonecrop glacier [one day ascent]
Winter Climb of Mt Harvey via its North Ramp
Climbing the highest non-technical mountain in the world via its normal route
short steep snowshoe ne of Mt. Baker
Climbing Mount Garibaldi through NE face
If good weather will do something more challenging.
two day hike near the headwaters of the Elaho River
Alpine Select Pages 134, 348, 352
east of Hope, class 4 scramble
Mt Baker summit attempt via Easton glacier (2 days trip)
Glacier Peak
(Mountaineering ) Private
Gerdine Ridge/Cool Glacier Route
Ice Scramble exploring the glacier above the seracs on the Coleman Glacier at Mt Baker WA
Enjoy the clean air before the smoke moves in again
9 days of mountain adventure in the Overseer Basin
Rainier mountaineering trip via Schurman Camp route
A trip to climb two classic mountaineering routes
Ascent via Wedge Glacier / NE arete and descend via SW scree slopes
Saturday Escape velocity up Habrich and potentially overnight to explore area
Attempt Baker via Coleman-Deming
Expect an epic trip to the highest peak in western Europe
A mixed glacier and 4th class rock climb/scramble.
"prep" session for Summer camp
Charlie Charlie
(Mountaineering ) Private
bike and hike - a long day trip
a big exploratory day trip west of Elaho River
Standard route up Mount Baker
An overnight trip to climb a classic mountaineering route
An ascent of the standard route on Sky Pilot under early season conditions
Wedge Mountain via Northeast Arete (Same as Ibra's - thanks for the trip description)
Wedge Mountain via Northeast Arete
via Stonecrop Glacier
(changed from Mt Shuksan due to weather forecast)
Let's attempt to climb a classic line right in our backyard
Let's attempt to climb a classic line right in our backyard
A nice local alpine route to kick start the season.
A nice local alpine route to kick start the season.
Mountaineering refresh + steep snow practice!
Ski mountaineering to summit of Needle Peak in the Coquihalla
just north of Snass Mtn
Atypical trip: deal hunting then polish mountaineering skills on the partially-dry Horstman glacier in the afternoon
Mt Baker North Ridge route
(Mountaineering ) Private
The classic 1000m climb... the North Ridge of Baker is a steep, sustained climb on snow and ice.
Mt Baker North Ridge route
(Mountaineering ) Private
The classic 1000m climb... the North Ridge of Baker is a steep, sustained climb on snow and ice.
via Sulphide Glacier
Standard Route up Eldorado Peak. Requires glacier travel experience. Two days trip - camping on the Inspiration Glacier.
Climbing the long exposed Northwest Ridge of Mt Sir Donald... solid rock-climbing experience required.
Northwest Ridge of Joffre Peak
(Mountaineering ) Private
A very long day to scramble and climb the long exposed Northwest Ridge of Joffre Peak.
A long buttress on the northeast side of the West Lion mountain. Descent via standard route.
Our objective will be to climb two popular mountaineering routes on Mount Matier and Joffre Peak.
Southwest Buttress of Mt Slesse
(Mountaineering ) Private
The SW Buttress is considered the easiest route on Mt Slesse and often used as the descent for other climbs.
Scramble and climb the Neskawatch North Spire and the West Ridge of Mount Rexford over a weekend.
Hike to Eaton Lake, ascend Eaton Day 1, then Grant Day 2
via Fisher Chimneys route
soloing/simulclimbing Northwest Ridge of Mt Sir Donald - long day of continuous climbing
Class 4 scrambles of Tantalus, Dione, and Serratus
Normal route (Coleman glacier)
Normal route (Coleman glacier)... for those completing the recent BCMC Intro Mountaineering course.
Normal route (Coleman glacier)... for those volunteer instructing in the BCMC Intro Mountaineering course.
Another classic Sea to Sky mountaineering must do.
Long Daytrip to climb Mt Baker via the standard Coleman-Deming route
Two day hikes near Gold Bridge
Mt. Adams, South Side
via Coleman Deming route
Mt Adams (via Adams Glacier) on Sunday 9th July & Mt Hood (via Sandy Headwall) on Tuesday 11th July
Mountaineering trip in the Tantalus Range
A local classic of mountaineering that, under normal conditions, should be okay for newer mountaineers.
Boat/climb Mt Good Hope via Good Hope creek and the standard col route
A visit to Tahoma over Canada Day long weekend
Mt Rainier via the Emmons-Winthrop route
This trip is for those who helped or participated in the recent BCMC Intro Mountaineering course.
Kulshan in the sunshine
An ascent of Mt. Rainier via The Disappointment Cleaver.
a bump on the Ashlu/Elaho divide
Weekend trip to Mount Hood
Winter ascent of the two classic north shore peaks
Practice your Mountaineering Skills Above the Seymour Ski Area
Winter Climb of Mt Harvey via its North Ramp
Winter Climb of Mt Harvey via its North Ramp
Come enjoy a good workout and great views of Deeks Lake area peaks
A low peak in the Chehalis area
a low peak in the Chehalis area
Come enjoy a good workout and great views of Howe Sound
Day trip of an easy mountaineering objective
nw of Pemberton, off the Van Horlick Road