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BCMC Short Film Contest - The challenge is on!
We want to hear from you! We would like your feedback and perspectives on club operations and what you would like to see in the coming months from the BCMC.
All BCMC Trips, Courses and Events Cancelled Until Further Notice
March 18th, 2020 - Due to the Covid 19 Situation, all BCMC Cabins Are Closed
BCMC & VIMFF present an evening with climbing legend Jim Donini, plus a screening of On The Verge, climbing in the backcountry of Powell River, BC.
The North Vancouver Museum and Archives, home of the BCMC archives stretching back over 100 years, has a series of archival pictures from BCMC members on their web site, the link is:
From Esther and Martin Kafer Collection

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PaulK wrote 4454 Days Ago (neutral) 0http://www.northvanmuseum.ca/collec tions8.htm
The above link does not seem to work.0 points