News Title | Call for Volunteers for VIMFF - Feb 8-15 |
We're looking for enthusiastic volunteers to talk to the public at the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival, February 8 - 17th. Tell the world about the BCMC prior to and after the show, and check out the show itself for free! Two volunteers are needed each night.
● Free ticket available to table volunteers each night
● We need 2 volunteers per day for Friday Feb. 8, Saturday, Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Feb.17 to cover our new
promotion table at the VIMFF usually from 6pm to 9-10 pm.
● If you are interested in helping out the BCMC and checking out some awesome shows then please let Werner know on what night(s) you are available. E:
● Get more info and sign up at the Volunteer Sheet at Google Docs via this link:

wernerg wrote 4435 Days Ago (neutral) 0Volunteers get FREE tickets!! - only 4 shifts left to cover. Check out the Google sheet.0 points