Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING.Weekend 7-9 June 2013
This is to remind you that the Kamloops Hiking Club will be hosting the FMCBC AGM on Saturday, June 8th at McQueen Camp near Kamloops. The AGM will take place on the Saturday with social events planned for Friday and Saturday evenings and a group hike planned for Sunday morning.We are setting up car pools and note that reasonable travel expenses will be covered by the FMCBC.
All FMCBC Members are welcome to attend, so please register your intentions by visiting the FMCBC website at www.mountainclubs.org, or if you have questions please contact Jodi at admin.manager@mountainclubs.org or (604 873-6096.
Please remember that for over forty years the BCMC has supported this province-wide umbrella organisation of 27 outdoor clubs, and represents the interests of the non-motorized recreationists. So, please let us see a few BCMC members there, and remember that we are seeking a new Vice President and Treasurer(which would look great on your resume).

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