News Title | Looking for BCMC Oral History Recorders |
Do you know someone who can assist with recording the club's history?
The BCMC would like to add to its oral history database by recording oral interviews with people who have been with the club or associated with the club for a while and who can provide insights into its history. We are currently compiling a list of people who could be interviewed. The list is currently incomplete, but includes – Irene Apps, Dick Culbert, Marcus Dell, Michael Feller, Joan Ford, Brian Gavin, Werner Himmelsbach, David Hughes, Esther and Martin Kafer, Bren Moss, Alice Purdey, Karl Ricker, Howard Rode, Arnold Shives, Paul Starr, Jim Woodfield, Bob Woodsworth, Glenn Woodsworth, and Ross Wyborn.
If you know someone else who should be on this list, could you please let Michael Feller know... you can email him at:
Many thanks for any additional names you can provide.
BCMC History Committee (Monika Bittel, Michael Feller, Francis St-Pierre, Brian Wood, Glenn Woodsworth, Geoff Zenger)

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