Browse Events By Category: Rock Climbing
Climbing in Squamish for 12 days, mostly trad but sport and bouldering can be incorporated too
Sport climbing in Skaha Bluffs, Penticton
May long weekend climbing trip to Skaha Bluffs Provincial Park near Pentiction
Aka Frenchman's Coulee. Sport climbing mostly. Climbs range from 5.7-5.12c. Weather looks good.
Bouldering in Red Rocks, Nevada
Sport climbing along S2S south of Whistler from 5.8 to 5.11 in good weather
Fast drying crag with grades ranging from 5.7 to 11C
Weekend climbing trip to Skaha Bluffs Provincial Park near Pentiction
Sport Climbing at the Courtyard Crag
Send-tember laid-back alpine rock climbing long weekend in Snoqualmie Pass
Day of 5.10-5.11 at Debecks Hill!
Trad or sport whatever grade. Prob Murrin or Smoke Bluffs
After-Work Sport Climbing at Sully's Hangout in North Van
Evening Climbing @ Crumpit Woods
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Sport Climbing at the Courtyard Crag
Outdoor Sport/Trad Climbing
Sport Climbing in one of the best crags in Chek Canyon
Sunday Trad Climbing
Outdoor Sport/Trad Climbing
Easy trad climbing in Squamish 5.4 to 5.8 ish
Sport Climbing at the Courtyard Crag
Chilliwack 5.10-5.11 Climbing on steep limestone
Sport Climbing in one of the best crags in Chek Canyon
Cleaning routes and trails at a new crag in Coquitlam. Come after work, or earlier if you're free!
Sport/ Trad Climbing at the lovely Murrin
Mentorship trip - TBD
(Rock Climbing ) Private
to be determined
Sport Climbing in one of the best crags in Chek Canyon
Mentorship Trip - Sport Climbing
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Mentorship trip for my group
Sport Climbing in one of the best crags in Chek Canyon
Trad Climbing in Squamish
Family Friendly Climbing in Squamish Aug 7, Wed, 3 pm
Sport Climbing at Cereal Killers crag
Mentorship Trip - Sport Climbing
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Mentorship trip for my group
Trad Climbing in Squamish - 5.10s
Climbing at Slessie Creek Chilliwack
Trad/Sport Climbing in Squamish
Sport Climbing at the Pillary area in Brohm Lake
Sport Climbing at the Woodstock area in Murrin Park
Climbing at this new crag in the Brohm Lake Area
Family Friendly Climbing in Squamish
Mentorship Trip - Sport Climbing
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Mentorship trip for my group
An afternoon of trad climbing in the bluffs.
Sport Climbing at the Woodstock area in Murrin Park
Climbing in the Squamish Valley
An afternoon of trad climbing in the bluffs.
Early Sunday climbing at Murrin Park - 5.7 to 5.9 routes
After work trad climbing
Mentees climbing trip
Trad climbing at split asunder! (Smoke bluffs)
Beginner Friendly Climbing in Squamish
A day of moderate climbing, in the Squamish smoke-bluffs.
Climbing at Slessie Creek. Pushing your limits! (Open to 2-4 public members)
After work trad climbing
Climbing at Courtyard ~5.7-5.11
Moderate climbing on Monday
Mentorship trip for my group
Trad or Top Rope Climbing
Moderate climbing on Monday
Beginner/Family Friendly Climbing in Squamish
New climbers are welcome
Mentor sport climbing trip #1
(Rock Climbing ) Private
First mentor trip together, reviewing the basics of outdoor climbing
Mentorship Trip - Sport Climbing
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Mentorship trip for my group
Most likely smoke bluffs but maybe Murrin or Shannon falls area
Climbing at Courtyard 5.7-5.11a
Celebrate Victoria's Day climbing columnar basalt
Climbing (mainly sport, but some trad) in Smith Rock!
Long weekend climbing trip to Skaha Bluffs Provincial Park near Pentiction
Rock Climbing for Those Recovering from Injury at the Smoke Bluffs
Outdoor Sport Climbing
Beginner Friendly Climbing in Squamish
Multi-pitching Ursa Minor and Kaiju Bear.
Sport Climbing at Sully's Hangout in North Van
Beginner Friendly Climbing in Squamish
Trad or Top Rope Climbing
Climbing in Squamish
Trad or Top Rope Climbing
Climbing in Squamish
Trad or Top Rope Climbing
Evening rock climbing session - Lighthouse Park
Outdoor Sport Climbing
Outdoor Sport Climbing
Red Rocks: 2 weeks of climbing, Vegas exploration, and BCMC camaraderie
Squamish Multi Pitch Climbing
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Climb easy to moderate multi-pitch route (trad) crack routes around Squamish
Climbing in Squamish
Monthly meetup for intermediate climbers to test endurance.
Trad or Top Rope Climbing
Trad or Top Rope Climbing
A chill day of climbing in the bluffs
Climbing in Squamish
Trad or Top Rope Climbing
Trad or Top Rope Climbing
Climbing trip to Skaha Bluffs Provincial Park near Pentiction
Sport Climbing at Area 44
Shaina's mentor group will climb outdoors - crag TBD
Climbing in Squamish
Shaina's mentor group will spend the day doing a multi-pitch climb
Rock climbing - late afternoon start
Shaina's mentor group will spend the day climbing in Squamish - crag TBD
Trad or Sport Climbing
Easy trad climbing in Squamish 5.4 to 5.8 ish
Mentorship Trip - Trad Climbing
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Full day on the rock to work on trad climbing skills and do some easy trad leads.
Climbing Harrison Bluffs
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Sport, top rope and trad climbing at Harrison Bluffs
Climbing in Squamish
Trad or Top Rope Climbing
Smith Rocks Rock Climbing
(Rock Climbing ) Private
This is a great place to climb.
Kids Climbing at Dennet Lake Bluffs in Coquitlam
Sport Climbing After Work
Climbing in Squamish
Weekday climbing at the Smoke Bluffs or Chek
Join a 4 days camping and climbing trip
Climbing in Squamish
After work rock climbing at Smoke Bluffs
Kids Climbing in Squamish
5.7-5.9 Trad Climbing
Mentorship Trip - Trad Climbing
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Full day on the rock to work on trad climbing skills and do some easy trad leads.
Trad climbing grades 5.9-10b
Join for a day of climbing at Debecks Hill or Chek Canyon
North Shore morning bouldering
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Easy bouldering around Cypress or Cypress Falls
Join for a day of climbing in Area 44
Easy multi-pitch route to practise the basics of multi-pitch climbing
Climbing in Squamish
Kids Climbing at Playground Crag in Squamish
Sport climbing at Sullys
Easy trad (and top-rope for those new to crack climbing and the timeless joys it can provide
Weekend climbing trip to Skaha Bluffs Provincial Park
Climbing in Squamish
Mentorship Trip - Trad Climbing
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Full day at the crag to review current trad climbing skills, to practice gear placements and do some easy trad leads.
Chek Canyon Climbing Area
Climbing at either Chek, Area 44 or in Murrin Park
Evening rock climbing session - location TBD
Let's get out and take advantage of the warm temps and sunshine
Friday climbing in Squamish
Climbing Cheakamus
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Sport and top rope climbing Cheakamus
Climbing at the Smoke Bluffs
Rock climbing in the sandstone canyons outside Las Vegas
Kid-Friendly Bouldering at Hive North Vancouver
Easy bouldering in West Van
Thanksgiving Weekend Climbing Trip to the Skaha Bluffs
Climbing at Bluffs, Shannon Falls or Murrin
Weekend climbing trip to Skaha Bluffs Provincial Park
Beginner friendly sport/top rope (the sequel )
Intermediate Sport Climbing at Area 44
A day of rock climbing in Squamish (moderate)
Beginner friendly sport/top rope
5.7-5.8 Trad climbing and tougher top rope as needed
Exploratory trip to do some classic climbs
Moderate Sport Climbing at Murrin
Moderate Trad Climbing
Beginner friendly day of trad climbing
Sport climbing with some top rope but mostly sport.
Leave work early Rock Climbing (trad or sport) at Smoke Bluffs (or similar)
easy bouldering over the water at Whytecliff Park
Evening of rock climbing at sullys
Saturday evening skills review/practice and camp, Sunday easy multipitch climb(s) in Squamish
Sport Climbing mixed with Top Rope
After work climbing in Woodstock/Murrin Park
Beginner Climbing in Squamish
After work climbing in Woodstock/Murrin Park
afternoon climbing in Smoke Bluffs
Sport Climbing for the weak n' chill
Climbing in Copper Cove after work
Full afternoon/evening climbing at Chek canyon
Practice leading and cleaning sport climbs
trad climbing in Smoke Bluffs
beginner friendly climbing at Lighthouse Park
Rock climbing at Murrin Park from mid afternoon
*Mentorship Trip* Dennet Lake / Smoke Bluff
trad climbing in Smoke Bluffs
Alpine climbing planning/preparing and problem solving skills review
Weather has not been great.. so the indoor climbing continues!
Trad climbing mentorship: Evening session at Smoke Bluffs
Two days of easy-moderate (5.8-5.10) multi-pitching in Marble Canyon
Climbing in Sullys after work!
Weekend sport climbing trip to the desert to (try to) escape the rain
Getting back into climbing season
Moderate Trad Climbing
Afternoon Climb @ Smoke Bluffs!
Top roping at Juniper Point and Arbutus Alley
Rock Climbing Nanaimo
(Rock Climbing ) Private
There is some new development happening along the Nanaimo River. Let's check it out
Blackcomb peak
(Rock Climbing ) Private
via Blackcomb buttress 5.4
Moderate Trad/Top Climbing
Slightly chossy sport climbing day with epic views and cool climbs
Day Climbing at the Bluffs
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Moderate Trad/Top Climbing
Climbing trip for BCMC New Members/Beginners
Nanaimo Sport Climbing
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Moderate sport climbing in Nanaimo
Moderate Trad Climbing
New Member/Beginner Climbing at Smoke Bluffs
There are a bunch of new routes at Harrison Bluffs so let's camp and climb
Trad Climbing - South Ridge of Gimli & South Face of Asgard
Blackcomb peak via Blackcomb buttress
Some cragging in Smoke Bluffs in the range of 5.10a to 10d
Sport climbing grades from 5.6 to 5.10d in Sully's Hangout.
Easy Smoke Bluffs
(Rock Climbing ) Private
Easy to mod trad climbing
New Member/Beginner Climbing at Blind Channel Crags in Smoke Bluffs
Moderate Trad Climbing
Moderate Trad Climbing
Beginner / Kids Climbing at Parking Lot Wall in Smoke Bluffs
Squamish-Area Activities, Followed by a Picnic
Trad climbing 5.8, 5.9