News Title | Notice of Special General Meeting - Watersprite Lake Hut |
The Board of Directors of the The British Columbia Mountaineering Club hereby gives notice of the following Special General Meeting to after discussion, have the membership vote to release from the general fund up to $30,000 towards the construction of the Watersprite lake cabin on at the January BCMC Social Meeting to be held at 7:30pm on 12 January 2016, at the ANZA Club, 3 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C.
On November 10th, 2015, the BCMC membership attending the Annual General meeting voted down the motion to approve the release of $50,000 of Club funds to build a hut at Watersprite Lake. Prior to the vote, a constructive discussion between Club members took place - some members outlined the benefits they saw in the project, others voiced concerns they felt about the BCMC constructing a cabin in the location. Generally, the majority of the concerns fell into one of three categories: Lack of alternate funding for the cabin; winter access; and avalanche risk. The Watersprite Lake Cabin Building Committee is continuing its efforts to address these issues and, as a result, the most recent information about them can be found below.
As a part of the December Social Event, there will be a Watersprite Lake Cabin presentation and information session. All are welcome. If you have any questions, please ask!
Along with the approval of the BCMC Executive, the Watersprite Lake Cabin Building Committee has requested a new motion for cabin building funds slated for January 12th, 2015:
The Board of Directors of the The British Columbia Mountaineering Club hereby gives notice of the following Special General Meeting to after discussion, have the membership vote "to release from the general fund up to $30,000 towards the construction of the Watersprite lake cabin" on at the January BCMC Social Meeting to be held at 7:30pm on 12 January 2016, at the ANZA Club, 3 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C.
It had been the Watersprite Lake Cabin Building Committee’s hope that its fundraising efforts could have been confirmed prior to the November AGM so as to reduce the amount of funds requested from the Club; as this was not the case, the WLCBC requested the release of $50,000 from the BCMC in order to cover the costs of the entire building project. Since the November 10th vote the WLCBC has learned that its grant application for $15,000 has been approved by Mountain Equipment Co-op under its Access and Activity Grant Program, and a further $5,000 has been donated to the project by Concord Green Energy, developer for the Skookum Creek Power Project. Concord Green Energy has also granted an additional $5,000 in contingency funds should any unforeseen building costs arise during the construction of the Watersprite Lake cabin.
There may be an opportunity to raise further funds from:
Grant submission to FMCBC in the $2,000-3,000 range.
Formation of a "Friends of Watersprite‟ group: the concept is for BCMC members to
directly support the Watersprite efforts by donating a sum in the $30-50 which would in turn provide the member with some privileges.
Links to more information: - The official Watersprite Lake Cabin website - The Watersprite Lake Cabin Draft Proposal - The Geotechnical Survey for the Proposed Watersprite Cabin Site

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