News Title | Spearhead Hut Soiree and Facebook Page |
The November 22nd Spearhead Hut Soiree is now on Facebook:
Join us for an entertaining evening celebrating the Spearhead Huts Project’s monumental progress to date and help push it through to reality….
BE INSPIRED by 3 amazing speakers
CELEBRATE our Park Use Permit (took 7 years)
WIN door prizes
FEEL the latest in back country technology
DISCOVER the next steps for the Spearhead Huts Project
BE HEARD and have your say in hut decisions
CHOOSE the best image in the Favourte Moments Photo Contest
Enjoy the camaraderie, music, 50/50 raffle and bid on great deals in the silent auction.
This community building and fundraising event is entirely run by volunteers If you want to join an awesome team and wish to help out, please register here:
- 6 – 7 pm VIP Reception
- 7:00 pm Doors open for General Admission
- 7:30 pm Welcome and Guest Speakers
- 8:45 pm Park Use Celebration
- 9:00 pm Silent auction closes, Favourite Moments Photography Contest winners announced
- 9:15 pm Cash bar closes
- General admission $25 (incl fees).
- Early Bird $18 including fees (until Nov 12 only). Includes draw prize ticket
- V.I.P Reception $37 including fees. Enjoy a free drink and nutritious seasonal flavours while chatting with our guest speakers, SHC executive and other dignitaries. On sale only until Nov 18! Includes two draw prize tickets. 6pm early entry.
How will our South western BC snowpack changing with climate shifts? – Dr. Gwenn Flowers
What impact will climate have on the snowpack of southern BC? Dr. Gwenn Flowers, leader of the St Elias Mountains SFU glacier research program (Yukon), will share the latest in glacier behaviour and modelling and how it may affect our own recreational back yard.
How Do You Balance Traveling Ultra Light and Fast with Being Safe? – Stano Faban
Highlighting leaps in technology you might not be aware of, Stano Faban, author and founder of the rando ski mountaineering racing site will take us through the latest gear and approaches you need to travel fast and light, yet safe and fun. Might not be what you think…
Wild side of the ski mountaineering world cup circuit – Melanie Bernier
World class elite Skimo athlete Melanie Bernier, the first North American to ever podium at a world cup skimo event, will share her unique adventures at the extremes. Fuelled by Passion, her tales from a Ski Race will leave you breathless but stoked and ready for your next level challenge. Don’t miss this chance to really get inspired.
Favourite Moments photography contest
Bring your Favourite Moment photo printed on 8x 11 paper to be mounted on our gallery wall. Attendees will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite so while the image might be crooked, over exposed or out of focus, the magic of the moment captured transcends. You will have space to mount a second optional sheet of text immediately below your image to explain the what when where and why, and a bit about you if you wish.

Spearhead Hut Soiree
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